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Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday Jihah Jimur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Belated Birthday Jihah Jimur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ni je la yang aku dapat ucapkan kat kawan aku sorang ni....
hari ni dah 25hb, tapi birthday dia 23 April...
lambat 2 hari.....tapi rasanya tak lambat sangat kan.....

Siapakah Jihah Jimur???
nama sebenar dia Nur Najihah bt Mursyid.
betulkan nama ni? tak salah kan???
dia ni kawan aku dari MRSM Transkrian dulu....
takde rapat mane....
tapi kamcheng la jugak....
kelas pon sebelah je....

Bak kata Mr. Amin Din; ayat klise...

kat sini ak nak ucapkan selamat jari jadi, semoga panjang umur,
murah rezeki, dan semoga sejahtera berpanjangan.

Another Year Older
birthday is just another day,
young of mind, yet youthful looks go away.
Another year older,
the world seems a bit colder.
Yet my heart still burns,
and for love it forever yearns.
Another year older,
I grow even bolder.
Life is for us to learn from,
as calculated as a mathematical sum.
Another year older,
hurting blazes now just smolder.
Letting go of past rage and pain,
living life and feeling sane.
Another year older,
a tear on your shoulder.
Life has not been so bad,
my tear is of joy not because I'm sad.
Another day older,
more pages added to my folder.
I'm glad of whom I am today,
I would not have myself any other way.
So don't mind that I write my own birthdayrhyme,
I've lived through my life up till this time.
I think it is safe to say,
that things will go as planned His way.
He's got more for me yet,
It'll be even better I bet.
Another year older,
and I am in His debt.

2 people drop their comments!:

anumuchan said... here^^ nice blog :)
Feel free to visit me @ frommetoyou~
Ada entri baru^^ TQ

Unknown said...

trimaz sbab sudi singgah sini~~~

